UNESCO Global Geoparks celebrate World Tourism Day 2024!

27 September 2024

The Global Geoparks Network and the 213 UNESCO Global Geoparks share the UNWTO decision to designate World Tourism Day 2024 as a day to focus on Tourism and Peace.

As the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres states in his message:

“On this World Tourism Day, we reflect on the profound connection between tourism and peace.

Sustainable tourism can transform communities – creating jobs, fostering inclusion and strengthening local economies.

By valuing and preserving cultural and natural heritage, it can help reduce tensions and nurture peaceful coexistence.

Tourism can also promote economic interdependence between neighbours, encouraging cooperation and peaceful development.”

The Global Geoparks Network celebrates this year it’s 20th anniversary encouraging all UNESCO Global Geoparks to organize activities on this World Tourism Day focucing on the benefits that sustainable tourism brings to our communities! 

The 213 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 48 Countries, are territories hosting geological landscapes, geosites and landforms of international significance, are protecting and promoting geological heritage attractions as key elements for sustainable tourism development!

The 213 UNESCO Global Geoparks promote tourism for inclusive growth collaborating with local entrepreneurship and especially women cooperatives and family jobs in their territory, supporting local communities and creating new job opportunities for all.

UNESCO Global Geoparks promote local products and local gastronomy, support the use of traditional techniques in the production of local products and traditional recipes in food preparation, connecting the local traditions with the territorial geological heritage and landscapes.

UNESCO Global Geoparks offer to their visitors  unique experiences and a broad variety  of activities such as hiking, trekking, horse riding, mountain biking, surfing, climbing, mountain running, bird-watching, sailing, rafting, and many more

The Global Geoparks Network invites all the 213 UNESCO Global Geoparks, their partners, associated agencies, businesses and individuals to celebrate World Tourism’s Day 2024 focusing on Tourism and Peace. 

In our precious UNESCO Global Geoparks we understand that our mission to protect our geological, ecological and cultural heritage and contribute to the sustainable future of our communities can be supported by sustainable tourism! Every traveller can be an ambassador, engaging respectfully with local populations, recognizing our diversity and shared humanity, and the values that unite us all.

Together, we can harness the power of tourism to advance peace and prosperity for all.

Tourism brings people together!

World Tourism Day 2024
World Tourism Day 2024